Pneumococcal Disease
What is it?
Pneumococcal disease is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae. This disease can cause a variety of symptoms ranging from ear infections to pneumonia to meningitis, which is inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord.
Infants should get 4 doses of pneumococcal vaccine (either PCV15 or PCV20): at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, and 12 through 15 months.
What's the difference between them?
These vaccines all protect against pneumococcal disease. The number in each name refers to the number of serotypes that the vaccine protects against (PCV15 protects against 15 serotypes). PCV stands for Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine. PPSV stands for Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine.
The CDC recommends PCV15 or PCV20 for all children younger than 2 years old (as part of the recommended schedule) and people 2 through 18 years old with certain medical conditions.
For those who have never received any pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, CDC recommends PCV15 or PCV20 for adults 65 years or older and adults 19 through 64 years old with certain medical conditions or risk factors. If PCV15 is used, this should be followed by a dose of PPSV23.
CDC also recommends PPSV23 for children 2 through 18 years old with certain medical conditions.
PCV21 is approved for ages 18+ and includes the serotypes that cause the majority of pneumococcal disease in adults.
Previous versions: before PCV15 and PCV20, many people got PCV13. To see the ingredients for PCV13, click here
Relevant Terms
Antibody: a protein made by the immune system in response to a foreign particle (antigen). These proteins circulate in the blood and help defend the body against the substance.
Antigen: This is any substance that triggers the immune system to create antibodies. For example, allergens such as pollen are antigens.
Bacteria: A type of single-celled organism. Some can cause disease, but many are harmless and some actually benefit humans by living in the intestines and helping with digestion
Bacterium: The singular of bacteria (one bacterium, two bacteria)
Conjugate: Attaching an antigen to a protein in order to improve the protection the vaccine provides.
Meningitis: inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord.
Pneumonia: an infection in the lungs that causes air sacs to fill with fluid
Polysaccharide: another word for sugar. Polysaccharide vaccines use sugars as antigens.
Serotype: a group of strains within a species that share a particular type of surface structure.
Last updated: July 9, 2024