Japanese Encephalitis
What is it?
Japanese encephalitis is a virus spread by mosquitoes. This virus is related to dengue and yellow fever.
Although most people who are infected with Japanese encephalitis are asymptomatic, it is still a dangerous disease. The symptoms of Japanese encephalitis are headache, fever, vomiting, seizures, and encephalitis (brain swelling), which can be deadly.
This vaccine is not recommended as a routine vaccine (in the US), but it may be recommended if you are traveling to a location with Japanese encephalitis.

Areas With Japanese Encephalitis
Map from the World Health Organization
Vaccine Information:
Active Ingredients:
This vaccine uses inactivated Japanese Encephalitis virus as the active ingredient.
Note: there may be trace amounts of DNA and proteins from the cells used to grow the virus for this vaccine.
Inctive Ingredients:
Ingredient amounts based on a 0.5mL dose
Asymptomatic: does not have symptoms or does not appear sick
Encephalitis: Inflammation (swelling) of the brain
Seizures: A sudden burst of electrical activity in the brain that can affect movement and behavior
Package insert: https://www.fda.gov/media/75777/download
Aluminum Hydroxide:
Bovine serum albumin:
Sodium metabisulfite:
Protamine Sulfate:
Last updated: July 9, 2024